Student Highlights

Students Of The Week ~Week 10 Term 1

for Attitude, Values and Study Habits 


K-2 ~ Claire Horwood (Year 1)

Outstanding use of adjectives to uplevel her writing.


Yr 3-6 ~ Ava Stevens (Year 5)

Application to all tasks in Mathematics.

Photo includes special award recipients from last week (for dedication and enthusiasm in daily training for NSWCPS Swimming Trials).


LWLW Principal's Award ~ Lachlan Bates (Year 3)

Investigate different solutions in the world around us.



Reading Award

25 Nights ~ Harry Stevens, William Horwood, Grace Groves, Ava Steven & Molly Murphy

50 Nights ~ Archer Bates & Ivy Guest



Congratulations to all these students on their achievement!


Class Assembly Items ~ Aspects of Student Learning


In Science this term Kindergarten have been learning about different types of materials. Using their knowledge of materials they constructed a shelter to house a toy. Their shelter had to include both natural and manmade materials. Kindergarten students were thrilled to present their completed masterpieces to the Class Assembly.



We hope you enjoyed the amazing constructions created by Kindergarten!