2017 VET Awards Evening

WEC/VET Awards

A great evening for the 2017 WEC VET Awards on Tuesday, 21 November. Sixty-five awards were presented to students across the Cluster’s thirteen VET programs. Kurunjang’s Principal/School VET Award winner was Year 10 student Tallia Gillet for completing the 1st Year of the VCE VET Allied Health program at CRC Melton. Congratulations to Talia and the following students on their achievements:


Outstanding Awards:

Keanu Harbord

Sheakeria Hamilton

Zachery Fisicchia


Most Improved Awards:

Renee Curmi

Daniel Joyson

Kailtyn Brown

Iyesha Steward

Callum Leonard

Georgia Walters



Endeavor/Encouragement Awards:

Xavier Slifka- Cooper

Marina Niko

William Denoual

Jessica Pace


School VET Award:

Talia Gillett