Library News
24/7 access to books, information, ebooks, movies & more!
Library News
24/7 access to books, information, ebooks, movies & more!
Love reading? then this news is for you. It is with great excitement that I announce that your school library is now open to EVERYONE for borrowing! We have over 13,000 books including an extensive fantasy, non-fiction and adult fiction collection. So if you have a student attending this school then you are able to borrow books from us, it is that simple. The library will be open for parents/guardians to browse and borrow from any time after school from 3:15 to 3:45. Bring some ID and you will be set to go; limit of 6 books per adult, no library fines unless loss occurs.
Once you join the library I can show you how to access the library catalogue as well which will mean you can reserve popular titles and check out what we have that might interest you. Any questions please feel free to email me at: in the library fun
Here is a sneak peak of what happens in the library at, right!
This year our Year 7s are having fun with the Jenga blocks and they're not playing Jenga!
ClickView is a FREE educational streaming service which every student has access too.
The movies +TV link is worth checking out as it has a great selection of popular films, tv series and feature channels about nature, space and more. Sick of Foxtel or Netflix? this might be your next choice and it is totally free.
Insta is growing......................and well worth looking at.