Senior School News

It has been a fabulous start to the school year and I would like to thank the hard work and dedication of our Senior School team. The Coordinators have welcomed students warmly in assemblies, spent hours preparing classes, allocating lockers and have been responding to the inevitable string of queries and concerns in the first term.
VCE Assembly
It has been a busy term but there have been many highlights. Seeing the Year 12 students get their Year 12 jackets was right up there. The beaming smiles, friends checking nicknames on their backs, laughter filled the senior centre. We enjoyed our VCE assembly where the Year 12 students and Student Leaders received their badges as well as 2021 award winners were recognised. It was wonderful to have the Year 7 students in attendance and it was so nice to be out side in the sun all together as a group.
Cross Country
Well done to all the senior students who ran the cross country, participated in the Senior Sports days and those who are busily practicing for the school play and musical.
Student achievements
Congratulations also to the following students who are achieving wonderful things outside the school.
Year 11 student, James Lonnen, has been awarded the 'Whitehorse Young Persons of the Month'. The article below encapsulates James' dedication and commitment to all that he does. Well done James!
Year 10 student Johnny Suares achieved amazing results at the Victorian Track and Field State Championships in the Under 17 Pole Vault competition. Johnny came second with a jump of 3.90 metres. A fantastic effort Johnny!
I would also like to congratulate everyone for the diligent work in the classroom. Students in Years 10, 11 and 12 are in full swing of course work, SACs and work requirements.
The holidays are a wonderful way to recharge our batteries. I encourage everyone to get some sleep, do some exercise, work off or make room for those Easter eggs. Get on top of any overdue homework and start preparing for Term 2. Have a break from being online. When it comes to studying, have short stints and then get moving. Practice questions are never too early to start and our Year 12 students should be looking into what revision lectures they can sign up for. To our parents, enjoy your children, enjoy having them at home, spend time together and talk to one another.
Fantastic achievements from our students
Enjoy the break with your family and friends and thank you once again for a great Term1.
Take care
Allira Howe
Director of Learning: Senior School
Change to winter uniform
Thank you to parents for their support in ensuring students have worn the correct summer uniform during Term 1. We are changing our uniform but we are not changing our strong uniform culture.
Please note the following information for the changeover from the summer uniform to the winter uniform:
• Due to the variability of the weather, either summer or winter uniform may be worn for the first two weeks of Term 2
• Students must not mix the summer uniform and winter uniform during these two weeks; • Winter uniform must be worn from Monday 9 May, 2022; and
• the winter uniform is outlined on the College website
The transition from summer uniform to winter uniform raises the following key points that students, parents and teachers need to work together to maintain the uniform culture at Koonung Secondary College:
• Ties - are optional. If worn, the tie is to be worn properly to the collar.
• Shirts - students can wear long sleeved shirts which must be tucked in. Shirts must be able to be done up at the top button and sleeves are to be rolled down. Jill blouse for girls or school logo jack shirt for boys.
• Skirts - the summer dress is replaced by the winter skirt and must not be rolled or hitched up. Black tights OR black socks can be worn with the winter dress.
• Trousers/Shorts - students may wear either long pinhead grey school trousers or the school’s grey shorts.
• Blazers - must be worn to and from school as the outer garment. Blue school jumpers can be worn under the blazer but not as the outer garment to and from school.
• Shoes - same as for summer, black Oxford style shoes for boys and girls.
• Socks - black socks are worn with the grey school trousers or plain white mid-calf socks with the school shorts.
• Scarves - a navy blue or black scarf may be worn only with the winter uniform.
Senior School reminders
- School starts at 8:50am
- Senior Study Centre is open for quiet study from 8am-5pm
- If students are leaving the schools grounds, they must sign out with the senior school administrator
- Students and parents must check Compass every day for room and class changes
- Students are encouraged to bring drink bottles in the warmer weather
- If your child has Physical Education during the day they can wear their PE uniform all day
- Sports equipment can be borrowed at recess and lunchtime at the Senior School Centre.