Parents and Friends Association

Next PFA meeting - Monday 30 May - All welcome
Thank you Second-Hand Uniform Shop volunteers!
The PFA is so grateful to Zan Griffiths and Annie Yeh who have been coordinating the Second Hand Uniform shop over the last couple of years. Your willingness to serve the school community has been a wonderful gift. In Term 2 May-Na Bee and Sophia Quek are jumping in to coordinate the shop. Thank you for volunteering, and leading the team of volunteers that support you.
If you have any items of uniform that you would like to sell please attach the following lodgement form. Items may be left at the general office between 8am - 4pm, Monday to Friday.
Join us for a Mothers’ Day Breakfast
The PFA is coordinating a special Mothers’ Day Breakfast for the significant women in the lives of Koonung students.
Save the date: Friday 8 May
Time: 7:30-8:30 am (location to be advised)
Look out for more details to come soon. This is a free event for the whole Koonung community and an opportunity for dads and students to volunteer to help make this a special occasion:
Donate to an event
Do you have your own business and are willing to make a donation towards one of our community events, something that could be used as a prize or to enhance the occasion? We’d love to hear from you. Please contact the PFA on
2022 PFA team
President: Andrew Gifford (parent of student in Year 10)
Vice President: Martina Johnson (parent of students in Year 8 and 10)
Secretary: Belinda Herrington (parent of student in Year 8)
Treasurer: Johan Cameron (parent of student in Year 10)
Andrew Gifford
PFA President