VCE Geography

VCE Geography fieldwork – flood alert!
In a summer when most of Eastern Australia has experienced flooding due La Nina, our Unit One Geographers completed fieldwork to investigate flood risk and preparedness in our two local streams: Koonung Creek and Bushy Creek. We investigated land cover and land use in the flood plain, measured stream characteristics and observed flood prevention strategies. Students will use their fieldwork data to answer the research question: How effectively does the City of Whitehorse prepare its land and people for floods. We will explore this idea in the context of increased building density and increased storm activity due to climate change, which both increase the risk of flash flooding.
An enormous thank you to Sen Li for filling in when our student helper was unable to attend, and for supporting the international students in the class.
VCE Geography Unit 1 students at Koonung Creek
Gail Munro
Geography Teacher