Learning Gallery

LOP News

It has been wonderful to see students engaging in our English Block this term and working hard to achieve their independent reading and writing goals. 


To begin our year, Years 1 to 6 completed a ‘Cold Write’ to assess their current writing skills. This term the stimulus was ‘The Magical Lamp’. Students completed a ‘think, pair, share’ activity to talk about their ideas in preparation for writing their narrative about what happens when the lamp begins to turn on. Kindergarten participated in a ‘Warm Write’ that was completed in a small group environment so that students receive additional support from their Leaders of Learning. 


Our weekly Big Writes have also been a success. Students have been learning the structures and features of specific text types and highlighting VCOP elements in their writing with break down buddies activities to identify ‘What Worked Well in their writing (WWW) and Even Better If (EBI). 

MaST News

Great Mathematics Learning Sequence 

Our vision for 2022 is to raise student achievement in numeracy through high-impact instruction and our continued focus on the gradual release of responsibility model to improve the learning experiences for all our students in mathematics. This has been evident in our classrooms as students are actively engaged in their learning and are applying and analysing the concepts they have learnt. 


Each fortnight an optional mathematics homework task linked to current units of work has been sent home to reinforce what students are also learning in class. 

Best Start Assessment Meetings

Dear Parents and Carers of Kindergarten students,


Just a reminder that Face-to-face Best Start Assessment Meetings are now available to book via Compass (in the app this can be accessed via the menu, three lines in the top left corner, under Conferences).


Meetings will take place next Monday 7 to Wednesday 9 March after school with Kindergarten Leaders of Learning, Teagan Conomos or Meredith Smith. Available times vary.


For further information on how to make bookings, please go to https://www.compass.education/guide#section-09


If you would like to opt for a meeting over the phone, or are unable to attend, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

Parent Information Night

Just a reminder that we will be holding our Parent Information Night on Tuesday 8 March.


This is a great opportunity to meet your child's teacher, find out about class routines, homework (schedule released via Compass earlier this week) and organisational expectations. 

Kinder & Stage 25:00 pm
Stage 1 & Stage 35:30 pm

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.


Kindest Regards,


Elise Vinson

Acting Leader of Pedagogy/MaST Coordinator


In Kindergarten, students have been learning about the needs of living things and investigating how the environment supports life. This week, they have been having fun constructing animal habitats using recycled items.

A big thank you to all the families who donated these materials!


Teagan Conomos and Meredith Smith

Leaders of Learning (Kindergarten)


In Maths, Stage 1 have been looking at reading, representing and ordering two and three-digit numbers. We have been using a range of concrete materials to explore our understanding of numbers. The students have been enjoying identifying numbers before and after and demonstrating this in a range of different ways. 


Lucy Suttor and Alice Woodhill

Leaders of Learning (Stage 1)


In Stage 2 during Sport, we have been learning all about teamwork and cooperation. As a team, the students had to bounce balls off the parachute and raise it high enough for the classmates to run in and out of.  


Dannika O'Brien and Tara Langfield

Leaders of Learning (Stage 3)