We are now in Week 5 and I have been so pleased with the way all Senior School students are using their Further Learning time in the STEAM building to work productively with one another. In 2022, a larger number of VSV (Virtual School Victoria) students studying subjects which KSC did not offer or where there was a timetable clash, are using the spaces near the Senior School office to access their lessons or complete SACs. A kindly reminder to all students that these areas (outside of recess and lunch) are for study purposes only.
HOMEWORK CLUB: Ms Creaser & Ms Burdett are once again offering students the chance to ‘stay at school’ on MONDAY afternoons in the STEAM building, from 3.15-4.30pm! Although this may sound like a ‘crazy idea’ it has proven to be VERY successful for many students who are able to access help from their class teachers and / or coordinators to finish learning tasks, clarify things they need help with, or just study in a quite space each Monday. For some, it may be that the use of the internet is more reliable at school or, they just need the extra motivation to get things done! The Senior Team always make sure there is coffee, tea, hot chocolate and snacks to keep them going!
Unit 3-4 VCE Information Night was held on Monday 21st via TEAMS, in an online forum. Thank you to the small number of parents and students of our current Year 11 & Year 12 cohort who attended to hear about Surviving and Thriving in VCE, study skills, pathways, University and TAFE applications, the ATAR and the process of exams. Ms Creaser will have a copy of this presentation for students to access in ACE, but as always, our Careers Practitioner Karen Sorrell, Year Level Coordinators, Principals and I are always available to answer your questions and perhaps allay any concerns and stresses you may have as you being your Unit 3-4 journey.
Senior ACE periods. These continue to be a source of information each week but we also aim to make this time a valuable chance to reflect on your: study habits, short term goals, stress and time management, life skills (practical skills for life beyond school), communication skills and relaxation techniques. These are important sessions for ALL Senior Students and I know all Coordinators and Mentors are putting a huge amount of work into making these sessions meaningful & relevant. “Don’t miss out!”
Special exam arrangements:
For those students studying a Unit 3 / 4 subject who will sit external examinations this year, you may be eligible for VCAA Special Examination Arrangements. If you can demonstrate that your capacity to access a VCE external assessment is impaired, you need to contact Ms Neill or Ms Sorrell in the Senior School office ASAP so we can provide you with the correct administrative paperwork.
Some of the reasons for this application may include: an ongoing mental health condition, health impairment, physical disability, specific learning disorder, language disorder, motor coordination disorder, hearing impairment or vision impairment.
As per VCAA requirements, applications for Special Examination Arrangements for each student must be made through appropriate school staff, be endorsed by the principal and be supported by recent professional and/or other specialist reports and school-based evidence.
THE GAT, 2022: Wednesday 7th September.
This year the GAT format will look slightly different to previous years and it will NOT be held in June, so that students (& those administering the test) will have more time to prepare.
Please note that ALL VCE and VCAL students will sit the GAT (General Achievement Test) in 2022, and Ms Neill will be giving updates, briefings and running preparation / information sessions for this in Term 3. Stay Tuned!
Our Senior School office door is always open and we are happy to be contacted any time via; TEAMS, Compass or email.
Melissa Neill – Senior School Coordinator / VCE, VET, VCAL