The traditional busy start to a school year has continued over the last two weeks, with a number of events taking place. Our Year 7 students have spent the last three days at camp down in Grantville. This is always a fantastic opportunity for students to get to know their new classmates a bit better, and participate in a range of fun and challenging activities. Mentors play an important role for students at all year levels across the school, and particularly at Year 7 as they support our new students to settle in to secondary schooling. Each of our Year 7 mentors attended the camp this week, and I know that all our Year 7 parents and guardians would join me in thanking them for their efforts this week, and in the first five weeks of this year, in helping our Year 7 students feel comfortable in their new surroundings.
Over the past couple of weeks our Year 9 Outdoor Education class, and our Year 9/10 Advance class, have had the opportunity to support our local primary schools with a range of sporting events. Our students have attended the Primary School District Swimming Sports and Korumburra Primary School Swimming Sports to act as timers, marshals, recorders etc. It is always fantastic to be able to support our local schools, and these activities also provide our students with the opportunity to develop a range of skills. Our students consistently represent themselves and our school very well, with supervising staff from other schools always commenting on how helpful and positive they were. Shelley Snooks, Woorayl District Primary School Sports Co-ordinator, recently provided the following letter to us, thanking our students for their support.
Earlier this week, Victorian Premier Dan Andrews, announced that there would be a number of changes to the state-wide COVID rules from this weekend. We are still waiting for an updated Schools Operations Guide, but we understand that masks will no longer be required for secondary staff or students in most settings. I’m sure we are all looking forward to this, and we’ll provide you with more specific details about any changes to school operations as we receive them.
It’s hard to believe that we are just about half way through Term One already! As we head in to Week Six next week, it would be a good opportunity for students to reflect on how they have started the year. By now, students should probably be feeling comfortable and confident with their day-to-day routines at school (knowing where their rooms are, know their teachers etc), and what is expected of them for each of their classes. For any students who are still a bit unsure about the expectations of them, now would be a good time to speak with your mentor or class teacher. Also, during our Student 360s at the start of this year, all students spoke with their mentors about goals that they had for this year. Now would also be a good opportunity for students to reflect on how well they might be working towards success in 2022.
Principal - Vaya Dauphin
Assistant Principal - John Wilson