New Beginnings

Welcome to Term 2, 


How grateful we were to be able to complete our first term with all of our community.   We pray that for those who had time together as a family over the holidays, that the time provided beautiful connection. 


Our team of educators pushed on through the holiday period, offering an engaging program full of exploration and sharing of current knowledge.  With an invitation for the children to share with us what they might like to do next holidays, a comprehensive list has already been compiled regarding themes to explore.

Pet Day
Colour Day
Eat a Rainbow
That's Not a Box Day
Pet Day with Mrs Karen's dog Oscar
Colour Day Dancing
God's Clever Colours in Creation
Colour Mixing
Pet Day
Colour Day
Eat a Rainbow
That's Not a Box Day
Pet Day with Mrs Karen's dog Oscar
Colour Day Dancing
God's Clever Colours in Creation
Colour Mixing


This term we have welcomed 5 new families to our Curiosity community.  All these families have joined our Green Team and the children have been invited and included so beautifully by their team.  We pray that your first week with us has been a great experience and we look forward to introducing you to more of our community.  God bless you on your new beginnings at Curiosity;  Audrey, Gabrielle, Mason, Saanvi and Sophia.

A group of children this week have noticed the leaves changing colour and falling from our ornamental pear trees, offering an opportunity for collection and conversation around change.  One child told me that the leaves were falling because they 'were sad and needed to die', whilst another child celebrated that 'it was time for the tree to have a sleep  and the leaves were going to be its' blanket.'  In that moment there was deep thought and empathy towards this expression of creation that made me ponder 'change'.


Change can present many emotions both positive and negative depending on the level of risk that is presents.  Like the first child, change can be sad whilst it can also bring new beginnings.  Not everyone likes change but to embrace the experience of transformation, we sometimes need to reflect upon the assumptions and ideas that we hold which can be blockers to experiencing something new.  


Our children at Curiosity teach us everyday that this world is full of things to explore and test their theories about.  To think beyond what is simply put in front of them and to have   'voice and choice' which then allows them to see endless possibilities.  How special it is to have a lens of the world that values challenging what is put before us.


As we start a new term, I pray that as we observe our children experience new things and have the freedom to express themselves that we will be encouraged by Paul's words:


"So, I'm asking you, my friends, that you be joined together in perfect unity - with one heart, one passion, and united in one love.  Walk together with one harmonious purpose and you will fill my heart with unbounded joy." (Philippians 2:2 TPT)


I'm excited for what this term holds for us at Curiosity!