Principal's Report
Flexible. Resilient. Positive. 2021
Principal's Report
Flexible. Resilient. Positive. 2021
2021 School Council
Elected Office Bearers
· President: Sherol Singh
· Vice President: Christine Robinson
· Treasurer: Sartaj Singh with Mark Davies
· Minute Secretary: Simon Davies
Congratulations to our new office bearers. These are one year positions.
Sub Committees to be announced
· Buildings and Grounds
· Finance
· Education
Our School Council has approved:
· Annual Report to the School Community- this covers the goals set in 2020 in Learning, Engagement, Wellbeing and reflections on the success and direction 2021. This will up loaded on to the school website when this has been approved by DET.
· Level 6 Camp Risk Assessment- this is a requirement for all camps
Junior School Council (JSC) Representatives
Our JSC reps have received their badges at the assembly last week. They have helped with the selling of the icy poles on Friday. They have raised more than $1000 for a school project contribution and a donation to a charity. This will be decided at their next meeting.
Lucas as our Student Voice leader gave an excellent update to the School Council at their evening meeting.
The JSC and student leaders will be assisting in the sale of ANZAC day badges. The badges, wrist bands, key rings and pens are available for sale at the office. Leaders will visit classrooms next term to promote the worthwhile cause. ANZAC is commemorated on Sunday 25th April.
House Cross Country Photos
Students in grade 3 to 6 ran in our House Cross Country on Thursday. The rain came as planned at 9am and then eased for the races to begin. The winning house for 2021 is Hydro. Well done to all the students and staff led by our PE teachers Michael Sacchetta and James Roche.
We are looking to how we can run a fun run for the junior levels on the day in 2022 so everyone can contribute the success of such a glorious day. I have had parents willing to help out to make this happen so watch this space in March next year.
Harmony Day 2021 Photos
It was a riot of colour and traditional costumes as we celebrated cultural diversity on Harmony Day at Rangeview. We started with a giant human smiley face on the oval. This was filmed and showed at assembly for the Rangeview News. We then moved to the grassphalt area for the whole school assembly. Eastwood PS student leaders attended and joined the signing of the National Anthem. Thank you to Marika Ferguson who has led the day of celebration.
Many families joined us through the WebEx invitation.
Easing of Restrictions
The Victorian Government has further relaxed its COVIDSafe settings from 6pm on Friday 26 March 2021.
Changes to the settings include allowing more visitors in the home, reduced mask wearing in some settings and updates to density limits in some settings. For more information visit
For schools, the limited operational changes mean:
Captain AB (Anti Bullying) and side kick Super Sparrow
Captain AB spoke at the junior assembly on Monday. The speech confidently written and delivered by our Captain AB covered kindness: "You can be kind anywhere in the playground, in your class or even your home. For example, if you see a classmate on the buddy bench, you should play with him or her. One thing I have learnt is to tell somebody to pass on a random act of kindness, so you never know, it could come back around to you! Never be afraid to be kind because kindness is a superpower!
I hope that after this assembly some of you can go and do a random act of kindness to somebody that looks a bit sad or upset."
Thank you Captain AB (Jed) for these words of wisdom. I will keep looking out for opportunities, as I hope others do, for those random acts of kindness to make someone's day be a little brighter.
End of Term
School will be dismissed at 2:30 pm on Thursday afternoon for the beginning of the Easter break and the start of the term holidays. I wish everyone a safe and uneventful holidays and I look forward to your return on Monday 19th April.