Wellbeing supports connection to peers and to school

Breakfast Club


Twice a week, wellbeing staff organise and serve breakfast to students. Tuesday and Friday mornings, we create a warm and welcoming environment for all students to start the school day. If students don't eat breakfast, they are not giving themselves the best chance of learning. Studies reveal that healthy, well nourished children who eat breakfast perform at higher levels. Breakfast Club is an informal setting. It's got a friendly vibe and all are welcome to attend.


Breakfast Club provides more than a nutritious and much needed meal for students. It also provides the students with a positive community experience prior to starting their formal learning. The program provides a safe and secure environment where students are accepted and can experience the value of education beyond the classroom. 

Breakfast Club seeks to evoke a positive response to schooling with a view to building connectedness. In the long term, this connectedness will positively influence retention rates. ‘I like coming to breakfast as it starts my day sitting with my friends and talking about random issues while we eat’.


Students linger after eating and chat with their peers and with students from other year levels. This connection with others across year levels has helped students build confidence and interpersonal skills. The community feeling is evident through the laughing and social mixing.


We are fortunate to have strong partnerships with Baked Hunt Club Village, the Woolworths at Hunt Club as well as Food Bank. These partnerships enable us to provide toasties, smoothies, fruit cups and fresh fruit each session.