Principal Report

Jenni Hodgins

I’d like to begin by expressing how grateful I am for the Mount Erin College community who have been so welcoming as I have embarked on my journey as Principal at Mount Erin College. I have loved meeting the staff, students and members of the community and being part of the general life at MEC. Everyone has been friendly and helpful, making my transition to the College very smooth. 


A highlight over the last few weeks was our first whole school assembly in our brand new gym. This was also to commemorate ANZAC Day. All students showed a high level of respect and integrity, and their behaviour and attitude honoured the ANZAC spirit. College Captains, Alexis, Chiara, Reuben and Skye conducted their first assembly with confidence and were accompanied by Ashton, Georgia and our musical performers to deliver a stellar event. I felt very humbled to be a part of this occasion and look forward to many more.


The College Board met on the 27th April and the 2020 Annual Report was endorsed. This report is an opportunity to reflect on and share the year’s achievements and progress, which was unique given the impact of COVID-19. The report is available to be access via the College website. 

Our Year 9 Growth Conversations were conducted during week two to give student’s agency over their learning. Students were presented with a snapshot of their learning data which was discussed with a teacher to enable them to understand where they sat in regards to their learning and allow them to establish learning goals to work towards. This was a particularly meaningful activity to complete as many students identified goals related to NAPLAN. We wish all students the best for reaching their learning goals and I look forward to celebrating their successes.


Unfortunately, there was a run of continued poor behaviour in our main toilets, leading to excessive damage and unacceptable behaviour. This WILL NOT be allowed to continue and we have actioned many strategies to stamp out this behaviour. The main toilets will be locked during class time and can only be accessed through the new Out of Class Pass system. The toilets will be unlocked during recess and lunchtimes but access will be carefully monitored by staff including members of the Principal Team. It is a right that all students feel safe and comfortable to access shared facilities that are maintained to a high standard. Mount Erin College will not tolerate any behaviour that violates this right. 

For any student who has extenuating circumstances, the College will provide a Toilet Pass to enable them to access toilets more readily. Please contact your relevant Year Level Leader to discuss these needs further. 


I am passionate about the College maintaining strong community links and want to take this opportunity to promote our College Alumni. Our College website has a dedicated page for sharing stories of our past students, as well as promoting upcoming events. We would love to hear from our past students and build stronger connections with the history of the College. Please make contact with our Alumni coordinator via email at:  


Finally, I would like to congratulate all students who participated in the College Cross Country. You all showed us your personal best in a tough event. Well done and good luck for the upcoming Division Cross Country!