Debating Around the School

Artwork by Mhianna Warwick, Year 9, University Campus

A First Year of Debating

Lavinia De Fazio, Year 9, University Campus

Students have the opportunity to take part in a debating team representing Ivanhoe Grammar School. This is my first year engaging in this program. At weekly lunchtimes on Thursdays we learn new skills and techniques that will help our debating ability. Teams enter debates against other schools with a topic that students prepare for in their own time. Not only does it involve the time and effort, but teamwork skills that are learnt and required over the course of the program. It is also an engaging and exciting co-curricular activity to do with friends or to meet new people.


'Debating has been a fun experience where I have been able to learn and grow my public speaking skills. Public speaking hasn’t been my strong suit as I found it nervous to stand up in front of everyone and talk with all the attention on me. However, since debating I’ve been becoming more confident in speaking and standing my ground, which are some key qualities of a debater. My team and I have had so much fun coming up with arguments and supporting each other at debates even when we weren’t speaking, it made me feel better to see familiar faces in the crowd and helped me persuade my point. Not only did debating improve my speaking it also improved my vocabulary as I moved from basic to complex words in order to prove my point. My only regret is not starting debating earlier in Year 7 :)'
Siri Chilamkurti
Artwork by Tom Blackmore, Year 8, The Ridgeway Campus
Artwork by Tom Blackmore, Year 8, The Ridgeway Campus

My team has so far participated in two different debates. We have all had the chance to speak in a debate and represent our team. We help each other gain and build on different abilities and skills, sharing our knowledge. Taking part in a debate requires lots of preparation, organisation, and time. Depending on your role in the debate you must use research and persuasive techniques to prove your point.To best prepare for a debate can sometimes mean that you do more work than you need, with the outcome of the debate comes down to the time and determination put in.


‘As it’s my first year participating in debating, I have found the experience thrilling and amusing, where I am actively able to communicate my ideas and knowledge. It has allowed me to improve and accumulate multiple skills throughout each meeting. I have thoroughly loved each and every debate meeting where I can express my opinions with my other teammates.’
Victoria Sze

Overall, I am excited to discover more in this experience. It has been something I never expected to help with my in-school learning as well. I am grateful that I have been able to take part in such an opportunity and I look forward to our next debate.

Debating Against Your Friends?

Avriel Das, Year 10, Plenty Campus

I would like to pose a question to you. Have you ever felt the sensation of your teammates relying on your quick thinking brain, delivering witty rebuttals to opponents you aren’t supposed to like, and the pressure of convincing everyone in the room that you have the most valid opinion – in only 360 seconds? 


That was what all us Year 10 debaters felt on the two Monday nights we spent at Loyola College actively participating in the Watsonia debating draw.


With the guidance of alumnus Olivia Tregambe and Zoe Scott, and the unlimited support of Ms MacEwan, the Year 10 debaters argued, planned and practised to refute/support these two prompts:


‘That all alcoholic products should be subject to plain packaging’ and ‘That national service should be mandatory.’

Year 10 Debaters on the first night of debating at Loyola College
Year 10 Debaters on the first night of debating at Loyola College

The first night was the most exciting. Coincidentally, the two Year 10 teams were pitted against each other, sparking friendly competition between Plenty 1 (Emma, Leighton, Surbi, Gursharan and I) and Plenty 2 (Sachin, Bethany, Angus, Eleanor and Sam). The night was tense. I remember the excellent arguments presented by the opposition, which made it difficult for me as the 3rd negative (last speaker of the night) to rebut effectively. However, Plenty 1 emerged victorious.


Congratulations to Plenty 2 for their win against Plenty Valley Christian College and to my team, it has been amazing working with you so far. I’m sure I speak on behalf of all Year 10s that debating is a thrilling experience that we will treasure for all our senior years at Ivanhoe.