In the World of Performing Arts

Artwork by Rakhi Patel, Year 8, Plenty Campus

Battle of The Bands

By Sara Suiter, Year 12, The Ridgeway Campus

Hello everyone! Sara here, one of the Arts Prefects for this year. I am here to alert everyone to the upcoming Battle of the Bands at The Ridgeway Campus, which we are hoping will still be happening on 18 June. It is going to be a very fun event with different performers and bands from Years 10-12, performing a song of their choice with their friends in front of the senior years cohort. We would really like to have as much participation as possible, so this event can be as good as, or better, than  previously. Just in case you don’t know, the 2019 event featured a teacher band, the IB band and a few other performances that were incredible. 


If anyone would like to get involved, feel free to contact me ( or scan the barcode, which can be found on any of the posters around school. See you there!

Artwork by Bethany Clare, Year 10, Plenty Campus
Artwork by Bethany Clare, Year 10, Plenty Campus

The 39 Steps

By Tansy Elliot, Year 10, The Ridgeway Campus

Released in June 2005, ‘The 39 Steps' play is a comedic adaptation of director Alfred Hitchcock’s famous 1935 film edition. 


Since 9 March 2021, some 22 eager actors have been rehearsing diligently to make it the best show ever, which included day long holiday rehearsals where the cast came together to form the first act of the show. The day began with trying on costumes, running lines and eating. 


All this work will hopefully pay off on the show's opening night, Tuesday 27 July, when all the afternoons spent learning lines, running around stage and mastering characters will come together to form the final masterpiece of Ivanhoe’s rendition of ’The 39 Steps’. For me I’m finding this show very important for my mental health, after last year’s production of 'The 39 Steps' was shut down, I lost one of my main sources of happiness. Not only do I love performing, but I feel it is crucial for the theatre to carry on for it is a catalyst for a lot of people’s happiness especially post lockdown when a lot of things were cancelled.


The recent lockdown has added to how important this show is for so many people. This show is guaranteed to be a raucous of fun and I hope you will be able to come and see it.

Artwork by Chloe Fraser, Year 10, Plenty Campus
Artwork by Chloe Fraser, Year 10, Plenty Campus

The Student vs Staff Debate

Calum Rothnie, Year 12, The Ridgeway Campus

Although it’s been five months since I participated in the Student vs Staff debate with Ben Ross, Alex Taylor, Mr Allen, Dr Savage, and Mr Doman, I clearly remember how much fun the event was. Of course, it’s challenging to write a 5-minute speech that is both entertaining and purposeful, but every speaker on both teams did an amazing job. To get the chance to participate in this debate – which was reflective of our vibrant school culture and the profound relationships between students and teachers – it was a wonderful opportunity that I know I’ll remember fondly for years to come.


 I remember the previous Student vs Staff debate, with debaters from the Class of 2019 – I’m sure everyone in my year level would remember how much fun that assembly was. Because of that, I’m so grateful to have been a part of last year’s debate, and I strongly recommend any debaters to get involved when the opportunity arises. Plus, the student and staff teams are now tied 1-1, so here’s to hoping the next team of students brings it home for us! 

Artwork by Lucas Hill, Year 8, Plenty Campus
Artwork by Lucas Hill, Year 8, Plenty Campus


The House Comedy Sketch

By Avjay Bhar, Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus

Every year, students and staff work on organising House events - days for the Senior Years to come together as a cohort to play, perform and compete lightheartedly for their House.  As much as they are to keep House spirit strong, these events are also an outlet for students to take a break from routine and let us have fun while doing it.


The House theatre performance held in ECP was one of these events. The House Comedy Sketch ran in ECP 2020 and saw dozens of students from all areas of the Senior Years coming together to rehearse and perform skits for their house. We recruited students, chose our sketches, and sorted out staging and rehearsal. We were given a week to put together the weirdest and most entertaining performance we could, which would then be judged by the staff at the senior year’s assembly. It was a great, crazy experience for me.

Artwork by Grace Alberti, Year 8, The Ridgeway Campus
Artwork by Grace Alberti, Year 8, The Ridgeway Campus

The Lincoln skit was Monty Python’s Dead Parrot Scene. Although daunting at first, the attitude and effort of the House Captains and students in getting their rehearsals done was motivating and turned the assembly performance into something we genuinely looked forward to. By the time the assembly rolled around, being able to perform everything that we’d rehearsed, as well as watching the other Houses show off their work was energising. It went great! Sherwood pulled out an amazing routine and managed to just take 1st place from Lincoln. And while for the Senior Years it was a fun showcase of House spirit to set off the week, for everyone involved, the project connected us with new friends throughout Senior Years, that we’ll be talking about for years. 


For many of us, this project was the perfect outlet to help break in the new school year and get adjusted to our new settings in Year 10, 11, and 12. Altogether, the Comedy Sketch was an amazing time to gain friends, confidence, and project that you couldn’t wait to perform. Keep an eye out this year – it’s worth a try.