A Word From the Editors 

Artwork by Caitlin Reynolds, Year 8, The Ridgeway Campus

A great community requires others to be philanthropic and to give up time to improve the lives of others. School service is a crucial aspect of a successful school community like Ivanhoe Grammar School.


So, for the 5th edition of The Ivy Voice, we have decided to focus on the achievements of students at Ivanhoe relating to school service.


In this edition, you can look forward to reading articles from Plenty Campus Grade 6 leaders and students involved in community service programs such as IDEALS and Cadets.


All articles in The Ivy Voice are written and submitted by students, to allow for their voice to be heard in the Ivanhoe community. However, this couldn’t have been achieved without the help of brilliant writers who enthusiastically and creatively assisted in making this newsletter. We would like to thank, past editors Emilie McKenna and Harriet Thorpe for their assistance in the production of this newsletter as well as Ms Garla and Ms Good for their help in editing and supporting us. We would also like to extend our gratitude to Mr Dalton, Ms Thorpe and Ms Gill who provided us with a collection of cross-campus student artwork. 


And of course, thank you to the wonderful students who wrote the articles featured in this edition – we loved each one of your articles and hope the school community does too.


We look forward to sharing more articles, artwork and ideas with the School community in the near future.


If you have any questions about The Ivy Voice, please feel free to get in contact with us.


Enjoy this edition of The Ivy Voice,


Avriel & Vangelis


