Music & Performance

House Performance results
House Performance competition was held on Thursday 29 April. Our guest adjudicator Ana Mitsikas was very impressed with our students' commitment and passion for performance. The overall results were:
1st place Mackellar
2nd place Jackson
3rd place Melba
4th place Kenny
There will be a full report in the next newsletter.
Tim Veevers
Director of Performing Arts
Vocal Night
Students from year 7 to 12 performed at the first Vocal Night since 2019 on Wednesday 31 March they all warmed up and started with the brave year 7 groups followed by year 8s and ending with the developing and more accomplished intermediate and senior students. All Star Choir sang a rousing rendition of the Lewis Capaldi hit 'Someone you Loved' while Madrigal sang an arrangement of their own of 'Creep' and an arrangement in three parts for 'She Used To Be Mine'.
There was a huge variety of music from jazz, through music theatre, pop/rock, contemporary ballad, folk, soul and even emo/hardcore by Jay Jay! Maya Cameron came in to accompany Vee Callaghan on the guitar and Emily Or sang a song in Chinese.
Thank you to Eden Dubinovski and Ellie Barnshaw for compering, and for Ms Wendy Harvey for her accompanying and all her support for All Star Choir/Madrigal. A huge thanks to Mr Tim Veevers for set up too!
Ms Blanka West
Voice Teacher/Choral Director
Performance Calendar
Term 2
- Monday 10 May – Junior Music Showcase Evening (Year 7 Band, Year 8 Band, Junior Strings, Junior Guitar, Junior Percussion)
- Wednesday 2 June – Music Soiree (VCE Music Students and other selected soloists and small groups)
Term 3
- 15 – 17 July – Music Camp (TBC)
- Tuesday 3 August – Winter Concert (All College Ensembles)
- Tuesday 7 September – Mentone RSL (Funkadelics/Stage Band/Guitar Ensembles)
- Wednesday 15 September – Music Soiree (VCE Music Students and other selected soloists and small groups)
Term 4
- Thursday 7 October – Grade 6 Information Night (Year 8 Band)
- Tuesday 12 October – Grade 6 Music Information Night (Year 7 Band)
- Wednesday 20 October – Vocal Night
- Monday 29 November – Presentation Evening (Symphonic, Funks, Stage Band, Madrigal, Senior Strings - TBC)
- Tuesday 7 December – Orientation Day (Year 7 Band and All Star Choir)
Tim Veevers
Director of Performing Arts