Junior school news

Welcome back to term 2. I hope you all had a rested break.
Information Night
Last week we ran a successful Information Night (formerly Open Night) for all families who are interested in attend MGSC in 2022. There were several Junior School students who were involved in the night and did a great job. Their roles ranged from ushers and speakers and the parents were very impressed by their confidence and knowledge. Thank you to Lucy Mason, Maddie Lewis and Cerin Luke who shared their experiences of starting year 7.
Maddie Lewis’s speech: “What I'd wish I’d known a year ago”
Hi, my name is Maddie Lewis and I'm a year 7 class captain here at MGSC. And last year I went to Kingswood Primary School. Tonight I am modeling the PE uniform, not too bad ay? But I am also doing a dance after which explains the bun! I’m here to make a small speech about what I'd wish I knew a year ago.
Here at MGSC I feel like I've changed, my inner self has come out and In 1 term this place has made me feel like I BELONG. I wish I knew in primary school that I didn’t need to be anxious about highschool. I wish I knew that I would be in a school that encouraged me to be confident so that I could begin to show people what I am made of.
I’ve always felt like I had more in me but felt too afraid to try, I feel the environment of the school and older students here have made me feel really welcome and now I am willing to try new things and are interacting with the older students. I have also accelerated in subjects I wasn't always enthusiastic about in primary school, I put it down to the safe environment of this school.
I wish I knew about how many great, encouraging friends I'd have. I was so anxious thinking about high school that I wasn’t thinking about friends. MGSC teachers make sure we’re all included and at the start of the term they have games that include interacting with other students, teachers and getting to know the school. I've laughed a lot this term.
MGSC is becoming my core of confidence, the things that have helped me is the school culture which is frankly awesome, and it provides many opportunities to hook into the school community and the encouragement from others for me to try. This has been a key thing for me.
When I was in grade 6, my fellow students and I had the opportunity to go for school roles, such as school captain, school leader and so on. I would've loved to have got a role but I didn’t feel like I could be myself and didn’t feel like I was brave enough. What I didn’t know was how safe I'd feel at MGSC to give it another go. I feel brave enough to be myself at this school already. My new found enthusiasm to try everything has been really rewarding and I believe that is part of the reason why I got class captain.
I wish I knew that I would be here today trying everything in front of me, with the most confidence I've ever had! Even maths feels fun! I came in here today knowing who I am and everything about MGSC has helped me find my big voice in my little body; my confidence; my friends; my engagement and my sense of belonging here at MGSC.
Thank you for listening and have a great night!
Year 7 and 12 Fancy Dress
The year 7 and 12 House Fancy Dress afternoon is a great College tradition. It takes place annually, to emphasise the welcoming of the Year 7s and the departure of the year 12s. This year the theme is 'Movies'. All year 7 form groups are working with a group of year 12 students, choreographing dances for selected songs. These dances will be performed at the event. The students are well under way with their rehearsals and are looking forward to their performance on Wednesday 12 May.
Each student is expected to wear a simple costume that will reflect this theme. Prizes will be given for the most creative costumes and best form group dance. We are all looking forward to the finished performances! All year 7 and year 12 students will be attending. Unfortunately, this will mean we will not be able to accommodate parent requests to watch the performances due to the restricted venue size. Students will wear full school uniform during the day, and change into their costume at lunchtime.
Emma Holman
Director of Junior School