Celebrating student success

Bachar Houli Institute
Over the recent holidays Khaldia Elhajje (year 8) participated in the Bachar Houli Junior Girls Leadership program. Congratulations Khaldia for being selected to be part of this important program.
Hi it’s Khaldia! I took part in the three day program with the Bachar Houli program for Muslim girls which focuses on leadership, health and wellbeing. The program aims to build confidence for Muslim girls in sport and the community. This was a life time experience, and I’ve made friends for life.
Rollin' along
More news of Raga Khan Bhaduri's (year 8) achievements in roller skating. Over the holidays Raga competed in a Artistic Skating Victoria Inc (ASVI) league competition. She participated in the Level 3 Figures taking first place and Elementary Solo Dance Level 2. Congratulations to Raga.
State Schools Spectacular
Congratulations to Charlotte Finnin (year 12), who has secured a role in this year’s Victorian State Schools Spectacular core performing company. The production features music, song, dance, skating and puppetry. Charlotte is accomplished in music and theatre and we'll have to wait until September's performances to see which talents are featured in the production. Well done Charlotte.
Share your success
We welcome being able to share the stories of student's achievements and successes in our newsletter or social media. Send the news, with a photo to Jane Garrow, Communications: jane.garrow@education.vic.gov.au