Student Leadership

ANZAC Day commemorations
Samantha Martin, Senior leader of the Student Voice and Advocacy team reflected on the meaning of ANZAC day at the annual commemorative College Assembly.
Today I would like to acknowledge and speak of the importance of ANZAC Day which was on Sunday 25th of April. Before dawn on 25 April 1915, the first soldiers of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps landed on the shores of Gallipoli. The men were part of a British and French led invasion in which the Allies’ mission was to destroy Turkish guns that were preventing naval ships from reaching and bombarding the Turkish capital, Constantinople. If they succeeded, Turkey might be forced out of the war and Germany would lose an important ally. Some 2000 Australians were killed or wounded on that very first day. After eight months, the campaign was at a stalemate. It had resulted in approximately 8700 Australians and almost 2700 New Zealanders had been killed before the ANZACs were evacuated. The 25th of April became the day to honour the original Anzacs – the Australians and New Zealanders - who fought on Gallipoli and in the First World War. Now it has become an occasion to honour all the men and women in our navy, army and air force who have worn our country’s uniform in service in all following wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations.
On ANZAC Day, we reflect on that service. We recognise more than a hundred thousand Australian service men and women who have lost their lives in military operations carried out in our country’s name. We honour the values that have been invested in the original Anzacs – loyalty, selflessness, courage.
On Sunday 18th of April our student leaders Jessica Wang, Hannah Huang and Alexis Sucris represented MGSC at the ANZAC community commemorative service in Beaumaris. They lay a wreath on our behalf.
Samantha Martin
Student Voice and Advocacy Captain
RSL Remembrance
Anzac Day on April 25, is a national day to commemorate all Australians and New Zealanders who served and died in the war. On Sunday the 18th of April MGSC was invited to attend an Anzac Day ceremony at Beaumaris Community centre, Students from many other schools attended the ceremony including a band. The three of us walked together when it was our turn and laid the wreath at the base of the memorial. We held our silence for one minute to show respect towards all the soldiers and others who fought for our freedoms. There was a large number of people who marched in the parade down the main street and then more that were there for the service which was followed by a fabulous afternoon tea. The choir had sung the Australian and New Zealand national anthem. We would like to thank the Beaumaris RSL for inviting us attend the ceremony and for Ms Harvey for including us as student leaders to represent the college. We enjoyed participating in the event heaps as it meant we could contribute to the school, in addition to our weekly responsibilities for raising the flags.
Alexis Sacris (year 7), Jess Wang and Hannah Huang (year 8)
College Captains' vision for 2021
In recent year's News Corp through the local Leader News has asked school leaders to share their vision for their final year of secondary education. Our College Captains Nisha Makam and Lily West contributed an insightful and authentic piece about there hopes for 2021.