Sport and competition

Welcome back to another jam-packed term on our sporting calendar!
Athletics Carnival wrap
On Tuesday 30 March, we had the annual MGSC Athletics carnival held at Moorabbin Little Athletics Centre.
We were so lucky to have such wonderful weather and a HUGE participation from all age groups with most track events requiring multiple heats before the final races. There was also great participation from staff too which made the day a great success. With so much participation we even ran out of time for some events! It was a day full of excitement and house spirit with people from every house dressing up in their colours and participating in Track and novelty events. There were lots of colourful and creative costumes from all students, especially the year 12s, with Brianna and Clare taking out the SRC best dressed award.
Congratulations to our age group champions Isabel Rogers (12-13 yo), Pippi Brailey (14 yo), Erich Jagonal (15 yo), Jemmah Paton (16 yo), Lucinda Holloway (17 yo) and Acelya Ozceban (Open). As well as a lot of athletics events happening on the day, fun events were also held such as house chants, novelty events and a sausage sizzle. Also a big thankyou to the amazing SRC team for the wonderful organisation and running of this sausage sizzle and the lolly bags! They were all sold out… so it was a huge success!!!
As mentioned before, due to the excellent participation we had on the day some relays have been postponed, so watch out for some more information on when these may occur. Overall the 2021 athletics carnival was a great day and the winner will be announced shortly at an assembly this term! We would like to thank Moorabbin Little Athletics for use of their track, all students from year 7-12 who participated in any activities or just supported their friends, all the staff and the House leaders and to Ms Parker and the PE teachers for planning the day!
Beth Bodi and Briar Brown
College Sports Captains
Round Robin wrap up
Well done to our Year 7 Tennis team who finally played their first round robin match after having a wash out last term. Thank you to our student coaches, Holly Sweatman and Ketaki Chandrakumar and Ms Gilbert.
The Junior and Intermediate AFL teams went out to play on Wednesday 28 April in some superb winter sun. Congratulations to both teams on being the Beachside winners and progressing to the next level. Thanks to the staff and student coaches too.
The Senior Netball team played on Monday 26 April in their divisional round robin day. A solid fight by both the A and B teams was shown on court with some great skills and game play displayed all day. The senior teams were Beachside winners and will progress to the next level.
House Cross Country
The 2021 Cross Country carnival is to be held at the school on Friday 14 May. The event is to be run during period 2 for Year 7 & 8, period 3 for Year 9 students and the start of period 3 for Years 10 to12 students.
The top 15 students from each age group will go on to compete at the Beachside Cross Country carnival to be held on Friday 21 May.
Below are a few details about times, locations and uniform. Please encourage your daughter/s to be a part of another fantastic school competition.
Year level | Instructions | Marshalling location |
Year 7 | Come to school in full correct PE uniform, roll marking in marshalling area at the start of period 2. Race starts at 10.50am |
Year 8 | Come to school in full correct PE uniform, roll marking in marshalling area at the start of period 2. Race starts 11.10am |
GYM (period 2) |
Year 9 | Come to school in full correct PE uniform, roll marking in marshalling area at the start of period 3. Race starts at 12.20pm |
GYM (period 3) |
Interested Year 10 – 12 students | Must change into PE uniform at recess. Race starts at 12noon | OVAL @ start of period 3 |
Year 10 to 12
Students interested in participating will need to register their interest using the form here.
This must be done by no later than Tuesday 11 May. Students will need to ensure they are changed and ready to start by 12noon on the oval.
If unable to participate due to illness or injury a written note must be given to the student’s PE teacher prior (where possible) and this will be recorded. Students will then be given a job for the event so will need to meet on the oval after roll marking.
Uniform – Full PE uniform must be worn, no leggings or tights as this is not PE attire. Year 7-9 students may come to school in PE uniform. Year 10-12 change at recess or just before your event is to start.
Ilana Parker
House competition and interschool sports coordinator