Around the classrooms

It could be Menton*
Je voudrais un café s’il vous plaît
After finishing a unit of 'La santé' the year 10 French class took the opportunity to practise their French languages skills at a local cafe, 'Le Roi'. The students enjoyed learning about the conditional tense and French café culture in this immersive experience.
Josh Sinclair
French teacher
*Mentone is named for the town of Menton on the French Riviera close to the Italy border. It is known for beaches and gardens and is included in MGSC's study tours to France.
Year 7 Science
In term 2 science we are learning about Classification. Classification is a system used to describe living organisms. In science we dissected an owl pellet which is undigested parts of what an owl ate. An owl pellet looks mostly like fur and feathers and is constructed in a small oval shape with bones inside. We used tools such as tweezers to dissect and classify what animals the owl had eaten from the bones we found inside the pellet. We used a bone chart to identify what animal it belonged to and what type of bone it is. It was really interesting and fun!
By Demah 7G