Important dates

Always refer to Compass for up to date school calendar, special events and individual student's schedules.
Friday 30 April - ANZAC Day themed College Assembly
Sunday 2 May - Regional Aerobics competition
Monday 3 - Friday 7 May - Year 10 work experience week
Tuesday 11 - Friday 14 May - NAPLAN testing, years 7 & 9
Wednesday 12 May - Years 7 &12 Fancy Dress & dance competition
Friday 14 May - House Cross Country (period 2 & 3)
Monday 17 - Thursday 20 May - NAPLAN testing, years 7 & 9
Monday 31 May - Junior Music Showcase evening
Tuesday 1 June - Winter uniform options only from this date
Wednesday 2 June - Music Soiree evening
Thursday 3 June - Year 11 exams commence
No scheduled classes days
During the year there are days when students are not expected on campus. They can be pupil free (no classes on campus and no work set), digital delivery (no classes on campus and work set) or Parent Teacher Student interviews (no classes on campus and students expected to attend interviews with parents). Below are some of the upcoming days. All are subject to change.
Pupil free day
Tuesday 15 June (report writing)
Friday 19 November (report writing)
Digital delivery day
Wednesday 9 June Year 7 & 8 (Unit 3 & 4 students attend GAT. Years 9 to 11 study day)
Monday 1 November (day before Melbourne Cup)
Parent Teacher Student interviews in term 3
Wednesday 11 August
Thursday 26 August