
PDHPE Update

What a busy start to the year in PDHPE!

Firstly, and probably the most exciting news, is the opening of the MAG Fitness Centre! Many of our students across Years 7-12 have completed their inductions and are making great use of the space, increasing their knowledge of the machines during lunch times and afterschool. It has been great to see the students aiming to improve their health and fitness and we encourage all students to come along and check it out! 

Stay tuned for an official opening date!

Maths Pathway - Rich Learning Tasks

“What if we were to use mathematics to light students’ curiosity, build their understanding through productive struggle and help them own their learning?”


Throughout this year, students in years 7 to 9 have been engaging in rich learning tasks, a core part of the Maths Pathway teaching and learning model.  These mathematical experiences can transform the learning of students by motivating them to dive into productive struggle, where the real learning happens.  Rich learning promotes student ownership in the mathematics classroom.  It is the difference between students who go through the motions and students who identify as mathematicians and problem solvers. 


Rich tasks are accessible to all students and focus on problem solving strategies, mathematical discussion, and critical thinking. During rich lessons students work collaboratively, while their teacher leads and directs the lesson.  Rich lessons typically take place at least once per fortnight and culminate in a project each term.  Projects provide an opportunity for students to take the skills they have been developing in rich lessons and focus on demonstrating their proficiency in some of those areas.


What do our students say?

‘Rich tasks are great for building team work skills’ Michael Williams (Year 8)

‘They really help me with the skills I need to solve problems in projects’ Cara Haley (Year 8)

Beacon Careers Expo

On Thursday our Year 9 students participated in the Beacon Careers Expo. The event was hosted at School by our Beacon Leaders – Ella Bowler, Sophie Coe, Lucas Jettner and Aidan Moller. Students watched a panel interview video of people employed in local businesses. Their messages to the students included: 

  • It’s OK if you don’t know right now.
  • Try different things.
  • Find out what excites you, what you are passionate about.
  • Use work experience to try options you are considering.
  • Do your own investigations – watch the videos, talk to people.

Students then selected career videos of local employers they wanted to investigate. The Echuca Moama Beacon Foundation and the Campaspe Cohuna Local Learning and Employment Network (CCLLEN) produced over 56 videos last year for this purpose.