Classroom News & Student Awards

Classroom News

Junior Class - Mrs Creek

A very simple shared book titled ‘I went walking’ by Julie Vivas was selected for the students to focus on the question, ‘what do you see?’ to locate all the hidden animals within each picture.  Acting out a story is always a favourite in our room too.  All students are making writing progress ranging from forming letters correctly, copying and creating our sentences, as well as, placing descriptive words where needed.  In Mathematics, we are coming to the end of our learning module with post and pre testing for our next foci taking place. Keep up the great home reading routines. 

Middle Class - Miss Williams

This week the middle students have been showing off our long distance running skills in the mornings in preparation for the Year 3 students to compete in the cross country event next Monday.  We have some wonderful runners who are doing very well at running our course.  In reading we have been reading a new Mem Fox book this week ‘Koala Lou’ and have made some wonderful text to text connections especially in finding Hunwick, the setting and the way the pictures are drawn with last week's book.  In writing this week we have continued to write, edit and publish narrative stories using the story grammar marker and our own knowledge and skills of editing and publishing.  We have come up with a wonderful collection of stories that are already published and on display in our classroom.  In maths we are learning to read time on both analogue and digital clocks.  Some of us are finding it a bit challenging but we are learning more about it every day.

Senior Class - Miss Walker

This week, our class book was ‘Edward the Emu’ which was very similar to ‘Feathers for Phoebe’ and we were able to compare the texts.  In spelling, we have been having ‘prefix week’ and exploring the meaning of prefixes like aero (air), tele (far in terms of distance), auto (self-done) and aqua (water).  In writing we have been continuing on with writing news reports.  We are focusing on editing and publishing work  and will hopefully be able to share these reports with you all next week!

Little Joey

This week we continue to acknowledge the significant role of the "Brown Joeys" in the establishment of St Patrick's School, and recognised Tom with a Little Joey award.  Our Little Joeys receive a certificate, sticker and a voucher/goods donated by a local business.  This week's voucher was donated by Wimmera Bakery.  We are very grateful for the contributions from our local businesses.  

Reading Awards

The following students were recognised this week for their reading achievements:

25 nights - Thar Shue, Nile, David, Isabella 
50 nights - Stella, Riley W, Kelsey