Deputy Principal - Mrs Karam



Always Was, Always Will Be, recognises that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years.

Fairvale celebrate NAIDOC week in week 5 from the 8th-15th of November. During this time students participated in activities that celebrated the oldest continuing culture, Australia’s Aboriginal history. It is important we acknowledge, respect and learn about Fairfield community’s Aboriginal history and culture. The Cabrogal People of the Darug Country are the traditional owners of this land.  Students celebrated this through colouring activities, play indigenous sporting games, art activities, history lessons, Literacy lessons and PDHPE activities.  Below you can see 1D playing an Indigenous game called Koolchee, 2Z working hard on their NAIDOC poster display, 3/4M playing an indigenous game called Weme and 4C participating in their NAIDOC guided reading contract activities. 

Fairvale News

Have you seen our 'Fairvale News' videos on our school Facebook and Twitter page? 

Mr Pitt and I are broadcasting the latest events and news each week. Be sure to check it out! We are also adding a Mathematics Challenge for each grade each week. Take a look and share your answers with your teacher. 

Week 7 - Stage 3


Week 8 - Early Stage 1