Principal's Report - Mr Pitt

Dear Parents/ Carers



I parachuted around the school for the last time this week. Read my reports below and check out some of the photos in this edition of the newsletter.


3 AUSTRALIA: I visited 3A last Friday afternoon during a Maths TOWN lesson. TOWN stands for Taking off with Numeracy. Children were working in groups to complete various tasks connected to multiplication. Children were multiplying numbers by 2s, some groups were multiplying by 2s, 5s and 10s and other groups were multiplying two-digit numbers by 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s. I was impressed with the effort everyone’s effort, particularly for a Friday afternoon! I was lucky that I had the opportunity to work with everybody during my visit. Great work 3A!


5 JAPAN: On Tuesday I visited 5J during a science lesson. Children were learning to present their lab report based on a chemical reaction experiment. The children were referring to the success criteria ensuring they had features such as a hypothesis, a description of the observations, use of scientific terminology and clear headings for each slide. My favourite part of the visit was spending time with each person/ partner to learn more about their presentation and science experiment. Again, I was impressed with the high level of in-task engagement from the children. Impressive work 5J!


We are currently organising class structures for 2021. If you are returning to Fairvale PS in 2021 you do not need to do anything, however, if you are planning on leaving OR returning a little late then we need you to complete the note at the front office. If you would like to speak to someone about this, please contact/ email the office. 



As you have been aware many of our end of term events have been pre-recorded. Information regarding each event is listed below. Please note the Kindergarten and Year 6 Graduation Assembly is class-based and can only be attended by two family members. The same COVID-safe plan has been planned on Wednesday 9 December. 


Yesterday we held our annual FAIR DAY, which due to COVID-19 restrictions, was renamed SPORTS FUN DAY. Children had a great day participating in activities led by instructors from ‘Be Skilled, Be Fit’. Other activities were grade based including a scrumptious pizza and gelato lunch and showbags. It was great to see so many happy faces at 3pm, leaving school with their showbags. A special thank you to the FAIR Day Project Team, led by Miss Brady, whom had to work creatively to come up with a fun day for the children. Congratulations everyone! We will add some photos to the special Week 10 Christmas edition of the newsletter. 



All adults on site will be healthy and ready to work and we expect the same for our children and their families. If they are unwell at school you or your nominated emergency contact will need to collect them immediately. Please make sure your contact details are up to date. Check out the link below.




Have a great fortnight, 


Anthony Pitt



I respect and acknowledge Aboriginal people as the traditional owners of the land on which I work, live and visit.