Learning Specialists


How can I help build my child’s numeracy?

As parents you play a significant role in your child’s learning by setting expectations, nurturing curiosity, and encouraging a love of learning. You can help build your child’s numeracy through doing the following:

  • be positive about their numeracy experiences and praise effort and perseverance
  • let your child know that everyone can be successful
  • seize everyday opportunities to capitalise on numeracy development
  • involve your child in numeracy-related activities
  • describe what you are doing in situations that involve numeracy
  • explain why you make certain numeracy choices
  • explore numeracy with your child
  • learn alongside your child and encourage a sharing of numeracy ideas and thoughts.


BOOK CHAT - A valuable tool to assist in your child's reading development. 


Book chat helps your child to reflect on the content and meaning of their favourite books. Recalling information on plot and characters is also very important. As your child moves through primary school, ask more questions when discussing a book.

Some questions might include:

  • Does the main character change in the story? How does the character change?
  • If you could change the ending of this book, what would it be?
  • What do you think is the story’s main message?
  • What is your opinion about the story’s main message?
  • Can you relate the story or message to another event or issue?
  • How could other people see it differently?

For more information you can visit https://www.education.vic.gov.au/parents/learning/Pages/literacy-years-3-to-6.aspx