
What a fantastic start to the year it has been for our students at Miners Rest. We have been really pleased with the way our students have settled and engaged in their learning. We know the first days/weeks can bring some nerves as our students get to know their classmates, teacher/s and their new classroom. With some anxieties, it is really important that our families engage in positive conversation and offer reassurance to our students. Alternatively, we have support that we can provide if families are in need. Our School Chaplain, Jesse Winter is onsite Monday and Tuesday and has a wealth of experience and knowledge that he offers. Families can also contact myself if they require any support. So if families require any help or even have any questions, please come and speak to me.


Our Buddy Program has been in full flight this year and has provided many of our Foundation students with an easier transition to primary school. Our Year 6 students have been modelling great behavioural choices and supporting our younger students with the understanding of routines and playground layout. 


All classes have been creating and implementing their classroom agreements and empowering our students to be problem solvers at school. We know that challenges will arise from time to time, but remaining positive and building our skills to do this will benefit our students greatly. Below is a list of things we can control:


We look forward to a great year and we are very excited about the opportunities ahead.

Michael Searl
