Careers News

Careers for Young People in 2021 and the Affects of COVID-19 on the Workforce

How has COVID-19 affected job prospects for young people?

The pandemic has seen a weakening in the job force which means entering the workforce will become more competitive, especially for young people.

There will be fewer entry level jobs and it will be harder for students and young people to gain work experience over the next few years.

We won’t see the workforce bounce back right away but there are many hopeful points to keep in mind…

Just like before the pandemic, education and experience are still essential and your best tools when it comes to pursuing a job.

Although certain industries will suffer from the pandemic, some industries will continue to see huge growth including; IT and technology, green energy, food production, healthcare, etc.

There may be changes to the ways in which certain jobs are done but it isn’t anticipated that there will be major changes to overall industries, sectors or types of jobs.

Employers will not compromise on personal qualities – your personal skills and values are still extremely valuable to employers and this is something that you can control outside of the effects of the pandemic.

What can students focus on in 2021 to best prepare themselves for the world of work?

Create a plan A, B and C for your future.  Create a few different options that you are excited about.

Try and adopt a flexible mindset.  This will be helpful for you in terms of managing stress and being able to adapt to different situations.  It is also a skill that is highly valued by employers, especially during these uncertain times surrounding COVID-19.

Seek out work experience and volunteer opportunities wherever you can.  This kind of experience not only helps you understand what a particular job entails but it is also very valuable in university applications and on your resume.

Commit to your studies and consider further education after high school.  Employers value the skills and practices that you learn throughout your schooling and further education.  90% of future jobs will require further education after high school (this includes VET certificates, apprenticeships and traineeships: it is not limited to university degrees).

What can SOC students look forward to in 2021 as part of the careers program?

VCE and Career Expo in Term 2

- Lunch time career seminars (UCAT information, applying for the police force, resume building and interview skills etc.)

- My Career Insights Program (Morrisby) for Year 9 students in Term 1

- Virtual work experience opportunities for Year 10 students

- Career information available at lunch time in the library career space

- My Career Exploration sessions for Year 7–8  


Aviva Mulloy 

Careers Advisor