Deaf Education
Centre (DEC)
Deaf Education
Centre (DEC)
A new year has begun and we would like to say a big hello and welcome to you all. It has been a great start to the year and everyone is settling in well. Our students have new lockers, new uniforms (juniors moving into their senior uniform) and new classes. It is wonderful to see the College buzzing with students.
We would like to welcome Alex Robinson to our team as Leading Teacher of the Deaf Education Centre. Alex has been here at MEC for 5 years and his most recent role has been the Year Level Leader for Year 8. Alex has commenced his Masters of Learning Intervention (Deaf Education) and is now a training Teacher of the Deaf. We wish you all the best with your studies.
Sarah, Kathryn and Anne continue in their roles as Education Support for our students in the classroom. We look forward to working with you all again this year.
If you have any questions or need to contact Alex please do so via email: or contact him directly on 5971 6005.
It is great to see our senior students mentoring our juniors and supporting them with work. Picture top right : Cleo and Locky working on Science in our Deaf Education Centre.
Year 7 Camp
Our cohort had a great time at camp. Getting to know each other and the staff in a relaxed setting. The weather was fantastic and they were able to spend lots of time swimming in the pool.
Online Learning Returns
Unfortunately, our campers arrived home to a state-wide lockdown and we all returned to online learning last week for three days. We would like to congratulate all our students for their Adaptability and working to their Personal Best during this time. Our students have displayed many of the College ASPIRE values and we are proud of you.
Take care and stay safe everyone.
DEC Staff: Alex, Sarah, Kathryn, Anne