Tutor Learning Initiative

I would like to welcome to our staff the following new teachers who will take up positions as tutors for identified students across the school.
Welcome Mrs Ruth Ogier; Mr Sam Webster; and Ms Emily Cheasley (ex-College Captain) who will be commencing this week (22/2/2021). Welcome to Mr William Smith and Mrs Helen Smalley who will commence work with us next week (1/3/2021).
Over the past few months staff have worked hard to identify the students who have fallen behind as a result of the conditions we were working in last year. Our focus initially will be working with Year 7 and 12 before moving into the other year levels as students develop confidence and demonstrate growth. The focus of the tutoring program is relationships, engagement, curiosity as the platform for building students’ skills.
Initially the tutors will be observing students in classes to assess how they engage with the work, their interactions and contributions to the classroom and their learning confidence. This will then help us to determine the best way to cater for the needs of the individual students.
The role of the Tutor will be to work with your child’s teacher and the leadership team to finalise the identification of students, using available data and evidence. They will analyse data of identified students to understand their point of need and work with the teacher and student to develop strategies to support the learning of each student. They will collaborate with students, classroom teachers, other school staff and families on identifying specific learning goals and Individual Education Plans (IEPs) where appropriate.
If your child is identified to be part of the program, you will receive a letter requesting permission to enable the tutors to work with your child. We will be measuring their learning growth and communicating this to you on a regular basis (approximately twice per Term).
We are so excited to have been provided with the extra money to enable us to provide this support for our students and look forward to being able to report on our successes.
Heather Worrall (Assistant Principal)
Diane Farrell (Numeracy Learning Specialist)
Rebecca Taylor (Literacy Learning Specialist)