

Year 6/7s 

In Semester 1, Year 6/7 students will embark on a study of letter-writing in German, looking at the structure and formatting of letters, as well as learning the relevant vocabulary, expressions and modelled sentences to share personal information. These letters will be exchanged with students at BRG & BORG Grammar School in St Poelten in Austria, as well as with students at Karrendi Primary School, who will then write back. Students will continue to develop their communication skills in Term 2 through the annual Lockleys North tradition of making Schultüten for Reception students as a celebration of their first 100 days of school. This will be approached as a study of procedural writing and comprehension. 


Year 4/5s 

In Semester 1, Year 4/5 students will commence with a unit on family, with a particular focus on the format and structure of a Steckbrief (personal profile). Students will consider the purpose of the Steckbrief and study examples of this text type. These studies will provide the basis for them to create their own profile, manipulating modelled language to describe actions and provide personal information. Students will continue to practice their analytical skills in a study of procedural writing in Term 2, with a focus on the imperative and use of commands. They will consider recipes as an example of procedural writing and test their ability to follow a German recipe by cooking Kartoffelpuffer.  


Frau Chesterman