Classroom News/Celebrations

Work samples and highlights from our super talented students this past fortnight



3/4 Batesford

After weighing our harvest and determining prices, the 3/4s successfully set up their own vege stall. It was great to see so many family members purchase fresh vegetables. This morning, students all created a name, logo and slogan for our market stall. There were so many terrific ideas and designs which made it very difficult for the students to decide which idea to vote for.

Our name: Farm Fresh (created by Jayden)

Logo: designed by Leila

Slogan: ‘It’s Vegilicious!’ (created by Rocco)We hope to have the stall open regularly throughout the year. All proceeds will go towards the Batesford campus and vegetable garden/chickens in particular. Well done Grade 3/4s!

Thanks for your support!Pat, James & Jenae



Grade 2 - All about me buntings


2021 Prep Students
