Greetings From Alicia & Her Family

From Alicia, Pete & Chloe.


Hello to the North Melbourne school community. Chloe turned one in October and she continues to bring us joy, love and laughter. She is a fast crawler and is walking around holding onto things and is growing more and more confident and steady. I reckon we’ll have a walker by Christmas (not that I’m rushing her)! She is a cheeky, smiley, determined and inquisitive little lady. We are so lucky to have her in our lives!


Gisborne life is treating us well – we survived Covid-19 fairly uneventfully. Pete and I are looking into renovating next year to incorporate a quieter study/office for Pete to continue to work from home.


I think of NMPS often and congratulate everyone for getting through such an unusual year!


Take care everyone.