
LAST CHANCE – This Saturday!

Cheap compost for your garden in time for Christmas!


When:                  Saturday 12 December.


Time:                     Morning – 7:00am-12:00pm


Where:                 College grounds – enter through the compound, near the bus shelter


Cost:                     $10 for a trailer load or for a front end loader ‘bucket’. 

                               All profits go towards the Pilgrimage Program.


What is it:           

The College Grounds Team has created a compost mix which has been used around the College (the new rose bed is a wonderful example) and by an external landscaper who was very impressed with the quality.


Interested but need more information?

Contact  Mary-Anne Lumley  or 9383 0408.


Mary Anne Lumley

Director – Faith & Mission

Bike education

Year 7 students have spent the day focusing on bike education and developing cycling confidence, road safety skills and understanding the benefits of using active travel as a viable form of transport.

Cameron Haines

Assistant Deputy Principal - Year 7

Year 9 Abyss Camp

Held in in Dwellingup , the Year 9 students participated in the Abyss Camp this week. The last challenge of the Rite Journey program. The cohort were pushed from their comfort zone whilst canoeing, climbing, abseiling, hiking and learning camp skills.  



James McLaughlin

Assistant Deputy Principal - Year 9