From the Principal

End of year celebrations

Our culminating week in the school year has included Year 4 Christmas performances, Year 8 Drama nights and a Year 9 Rite Journey homecoming ritual. Students across the College have been kept engaged in their learning through a variety of activities within the classroom and beyond. 


The year began with terrible bush fires across the country and then the world grappled with the global pandemic. As 2020 comes to an end, we express our gratitude to all the students, staff and families who have been so supportive over the course of this year.


Our 2021 student leaders were due to host visitors from the Jesuit and Companion Schools of Australia (JACSA) this week but instead our College hosted an online forum. Coordinated by Year 12 Assistant Deputy Principal, Luke Bostelman, it was fascinating for our student leaders to learn of the experiences of students around the nation. Victorian students reported learning from home for 22 weeks this year which would have posed extraordinary challenges. The maturity and depth of our students was evident with their reflections on what they had learned about themselves and others. A sense of gratitude was also prevalent for the blessings which had been bestowed.


The end of a year is always a time for farewells, and we acknowledge and thank the following members of staff as their time at the College comes to an end:

  • Mrs Beverly Sainsbury, Uniform Shop Manager
  • Mrs Moira Bunn, Learning Enrichment Assistant
  • Ms Judy Peters, Head of Learning Area - Mathematics
  • Mrs Linda Beech, Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Mr Christian Thompson, Religious Education
  • Miss Claire Dernie, Primary
  • Mrs Julie Bosnich, Science 
  • Miss Rebecca Worthy, English
  • Ms Katie Imhoff , Head of Mary Ward
  • Mr Aldo Carlino, Technologies
  • Mr Vic Gecas, Technologies
  • Ms Edie  Mitsuda, Art
  • Ms Wing Chan, Mathematics (parental leave)

We conclude the school year with thanks and look for inspiration from Pope Francis in his recent Encyclical Letter, Fratelli Tutti:


I invite everyone to renewed hope… Hope is bold…it opens us up to grand ideals that make life more beautiful and worthwhile. 
Let us continue then to advance along the paths of hope. 


Best wishes to everyone for a happy and holy Christmas.


Robert Henderson
