For our students....

This Week's Birthdays


Monday 26th -  Harper SAH

Tuesday 27th  -  Emmy JKG, Ryder MMP, Jacob SPB

Wednesday 28th  -  Lucas JCF

Today  -  Lily MAB, Alma MMP

Tomorrow  -  Khai MBJ

Saturday 31st  -  Matthew MFP, Alexandra SLD


Sunday 1st  -  Eva JCF, Alexander JKB, Aiden MFP, Emma SSY 


Congratulations!  We hope you had or will have a wonderful day!

Middle Production Tickets, On Sale Monday 

Have another look at ticketing arrangements on the poster below - tickets on sale 9.30am Monday.  Be quick - they'll sell fast (maximum 4 seats per Middle family).

Reading is our Superpower