Principal's Report

From Christian's desk....

It’s happening!  School Captains sign off on our new playground

Today our School Captains officially gave the green light to the A_Space team to go ahead with the extension to the western playground located near the lower netball courts. Exciting times!

Mid Year Progress Report

Last week our area’s Senior Education Improvement Leader, Kerrie Anderson, joined our Leadership Team for a Learning Walk and stayed on to meet with me to hear about our school’s mid-year progress against our annual goals.

Kerrie gave us glowing feedback about our collegial professional learning and the ongoing work we are doing to enhance teacher practice. This was reflected in the consistencies in curriculum delivery for students across a year level. This is significant as ‘in-school variance’, the difference in learning experience students in the same year level at a school receive, has considerable effects on whole school student achievement over time. 

Kerrie enjoyed hearing of the collaborative work we do as a community and the role our students, formal parent groups and staff have in driving and delivering on action items.

NAPLAN Results

Yesterday our school received electronic access to our NAPLAN results. Families of students in Years 3 & 5 who completed the assessments will receive their children’s individual results as hard copy reports in the coming fortnight. Our staff and School Council will interrogate the whole school data over the next month. I will provide an executive summary to the school community through the school newsletter.

Whilst NAPLAN provides rich data to measure both the schools achievement and individual student achievement it is worth considering that it is a singular suite of assessments that capture ‘a moment in time’. NAPLAN does not measure a child’s creativity, resilience or social-emotional intelligence.

Keeping you in the loop...

Over the last fortnight Assistant Principals Carol and Dale, Leading Teacher Liam Sommers and I have had a number of days out of school due to a combination of Professional Learning, Personal Leave and Principal Class Network Meetings. As a result we may not have been as visible as usual. Thank you to our Leadership Team of Amy Prior, Leigh Dixon, Paul Brock and Bree Jennings who have stepped up in our absence. 

Our New Hand Sanitisers

As you will see when you sign in or walk through classrooms our hand sanitisers have been installed and replace the disposable Aquim Gel pump action bottles we previously had in place.

Neighbourhood Carparking

I arrived at school at 9am after a meeting this morning and was disappointed to notice a number of parents parking outside the school grounds without regard for our neighbours.

Coincidentally, our Office received a visit this morning from a concerned neighbour, who was prevented from exiting her driveway by an inconsiderately parked vehicle:

This vehicle, clearly seen encroaching on the driveway, was parked there for more than 20 minutes and caused our neighbour to be late for work.  She says it's a regular occurrence (although not always the same car).

Can I please encourage all parents to be mindful of our neighbours and to park with consideration when dropping off or picking up your children.  We are part of a wider community and our school aims to teach all students the importance of respectful relationships.  As parents, we need to reinforce this message by good role modelling, which is clearly not what is happening here.

Christian Holdsworth  -  Principal