One of the key components for achieving good learning outcomes for our students is to have good lines of communication between the school, the teacher and families.


When teachers and parents work together with mutual respect and caring, children achieve more at school and are happier to be there. Teachers acknowledge that parents are a primary partner in education, they have much to contribute and they are important to achieving the best learning outcomes for the students.


We recently held our Semester 1 Parent Student Teacher Interviews

In light of this, I provide the following information from the Parent Student Teacher Conferences held on April 30.


If you were not able to attend Parent Student Teacher Conferences on April 30, I encourage you to discuss with your son/daughter the contents of their Mid Semester Report which aims to communicate how students are progressing in their various subjects. The report is an important document and warrants parents/guardians and students taking some time to consider its contents and to reflect on progress and current levels of achievement.



When we reflect on the philosophy of effort and trying our best, we must ensure that this accompanies a goal and a target in which our efforts can be directed. Each and every one of our students are encouraged to set themselves goals to work towards throughout the school year. Our College focuses on improving outcomes for all our students. Our teaching team works hard to assist students to achieve the highest level of success. An important component of success is attendance at school. If you don’t show up to the game, you will never get a kick, point or goal. Any lesson that your child misses will have a direct impact on their learning and achievement.


I remind parents that school attendance is one of the most critical factors in achievement and thank all parents and students who ensure they are at school on time and ready to learn. You are setting yourself up for success, well done and keep it up! Just by being in class a student has given themselves an opportunity to learn, but attitude can play an important role as well. Negative attitudes toward learning can create problems in a child's education, but parents can help turn their child's attitude toward learning into a positive emotion. Children often complain that learning is boring and because of this they resist doing their school work. This could be for a variety of reasons: Peer pressure to look 'cool', they are ahead of their class, they don't understand why school is important, or they could be having trouble with the material being presented. For whatever reason a child is resisting school and resisting learning. Parents play a critical role it in helping improve the student's outlook and behaviour.


There are many ways you can improve your child's attitude toward learning. These include setting an example, making learning fun, showing why it is important to learn, letting your children choose what they are learning, and, most importantly, helping your child if they are struggling with school.



Children often look to their parents when they form their habits. In order for your children to enjoy learning, you yourself must set a good example.


Read in front of your children, watch educational TV shows together, taking family trips that might include a small educational component, eg Museum or zoo.


By making an increased effort to continue your own learning, you are showing your children that education is a life-long and important habit. Additionally, sharing your childhood school experiences with your kids might be inspirational. Telling them about the fun projects you did when at school might prompt them to do something special for their next school assignment.



Sit down and discuss with your children why they need to embrace their education. Explore together the skills and education they'll need for their dream job.


I encourage students to walk through every classroom door thinking positively about what new learning experience they are about to encounter and to embrace the myriad of opportunities provided both inside and outside of the classroom during the school day at St. Joseph’s College. 



At VCE level the school has subscribed to Edrolo which is an online package that supports the learning of VCE students in many subject areas. This has proven to be invaluable resource for our students and I encourage all VCE students to access and make use of this valuable resource.


In Term 1, the students of St Joseph's College, Mildura watched a total of 37,615 video/quiz views on Edrolo. In the same period St Joseph’s College, Mildura staff watched 4806 video/quiz views on Edrolo!



Mr Greg Kluske

Deputy Principal, Learning and Teaching