From the Head of Primary

Welcome back
Whether your children are online or at school, or a combination of both, we're looking forward to diving back into Term Two with you. It is not life as usual, there will be a number of changes occurring as the term progresses, so please stay tuned. Check your emails, check in regularly with the Primary Daily Notices and reach out to us at School if you need information, we are only too happy to help.
Our focus this week in Primary is IMITATION. Right from birth we begin to learn by imitating those around us. Imitation in our present circumstances is fascinating. I wonder if you’ve noticed a difference in you or your children, after spending more time with them over the past month. Do they imitate some of your quirks or habits? Do you do some of theirs?! I know I’m often horrified every time I do something my mum would do. Only to realise, that it is her wisdom that has come through from those words or actions when I’ve imitated her, and this brings peace.
Above all, the first form of imitation we should be doing is to love, as God loved us. John 13:34 says: A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you.
Here is a great read on Imitation: Building Learning Power - Imitation
Term 2 will commence with supervision of students at school for students of essential service workers. Please make sure you have emailed if you are sending your child/children to school. This is important for us to know, in order to provide adequate supervision. Please keep us updated, if your circumstances change and your children need to come to school.
Information regarding schooling from Week 3, will be provided in the next weeks, once our plans have been finalised.
Every Wednesday: Ditch the Device Day
Wednesdays will run slightly differently, to the rest of the week, for all Primary Students. The day is set up to specifically be a device free day, where the children engage in different activities to enhance their wellbeing. The structure of the day is pre-planned and will be the same each Wednesday, with the variations coming from your child. Information regarding this will be uploaded to the HUB and distributed through the Home Learning Packs.
On Wednesdays, the students do not need to be on Seesaw. There will be no activities set, as the students have their own, 'Ditch the Device Day' schedule to follow. It is the same for students in every year group. Staff will not be attending to Seesaw or student messages or requests throughout Wednesdays, as this day each week has been allocated as a staff planning and preparation.
Home Learning Schedule for the Week
In order to assist families, we have set a schedule for the week, so that families with multiple siblings can gather resources or work together.
- Monday: Creative Arts
- Tuesday: Music
- Wednesday: PDHPE (Movement Breaks and Play Outside are encouraged every day)
- Thursday: Japanese
- Friday: Christian Studies
Coming home in the Home Learning Packs are two options for schedules, which you may like to use, to help structure the day.
Home Learning Packs
Each child will receive a Home Learning Pack which will be ready for distribution this week. There will be a combination of options:
- Delivery
- Collect points in towns
- Collection from School - Please do not phone the School, asking to collect yours, until we have let you know that they are ready, we will let you know.
Uniform for Term 2
Students are welcome to wear PE uniform every day, for the first two weeks of school. From Week 3, students will be required to be in their full Winter Dress Uniform, if attending School. Online Bookings can be made with Noone, our Uniform Shop, if you require Winter Dress Uniform.
Food in Term 2
There will be no additional food services provided during Term 2. If your child is coming to school, please ensure that they have packed: fruit break, morning tea, lunch and a drink bottle
Health, Safety and Cleaning
We have made a number of provisions at school to support the health and safety of our children at School: