During the September school holidays, one of our year 11 students, Natasha Krzywinski, attended a week’s seminar called Mission Discovery, at Melbourne University. As part of the program, the students:

  • Learnt from NASA astronaut, astrophysicist and ISS commander Dr Michael Foale, NASA leaders and expert scientists from the University of Melbourne
  • In teams, took on the role of research scientists and designed a space Science experiment
  • The overall winning team’s experiment, as judged by the NASA panel, was launched to the International Space Station and conducted by astronauts on board!
  • Developed leadership, teamwork and public speaking skills
  • Heard a range of Space and Science careers paths

Natasha had an opportunity to work with a number of students across Victoria, who all shared Natasha’s Space dream.


Natasha's Dream

Did you know, a Neutron star can spin 600 times per second? That’s crazy right? Over the first week of the holidays, I got the opportunity to participate in a program called Mission Discovery, where I got to work with other students, scientists and NASA astronauts. With the aim of designing an object, that following a specific set of guidelines, could be a potential experiment to be performed on the internet space station! Attending physics and astronomy lectures, we were able to broaden our knowledge of the subject before really delving into our own ideas. To be pitched in front of NASA leader Sara Murray, we also received tips on public speaking. Our team came up with the idea of Bio leaching in micro gravity, which involves the introduction of bacteria into a soil to mine out any metal products. Though we didn’t win, we still were able to gain many skills that we can utilise later in life.

Natasha Krzywinski



The VCAL students have been working very hard to complete all of their learning outcomes in order to gain their Intermediate and Senior certificates. The Year 12 students finished at the end of Term Three and completed their year with an Ice-Skating and Chinese restaurant banquet excursion. The students had a great time and enjoyed trying some new delicacies.


The Year 11 VCAL students attended Gumbya World for their end of year excursion. The students participated in two close animal encounters, one with an olive python and the other with a dingo. They were then treated to the amusement park and water park,  having it all to themselves.

It was a wonderful day. It was great to see the students all teaming together and supporting each other on the day.