Sub School News

Sub School News

Over the last month, students at Lyndhurst Secondary College have been focussing on the College value of Commitment. ‘Unless a Commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans’. This has been a pertinent idea as we have seen our Year 12s finish up at the College and our VCE students begin their exams. This is such a daunting and overwhelming time in many young people’s lives, but having a strong work ethic and showing commitment to your studies will help achieve your goals.  As our senior students begin finishing their exams and finalise their high school education we, at the College, would like to wish them well wherever their path may lead them. ‘Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending’.


During the last month, the College held their annual Presentation Ball. This was a spectacular event and all students involved represented the school in a respectful and dignified manner. It was lovely to see the hard work and dedication to months of dance lessons finally pay off. A great night was held by all.

Our Year 7 students have participated in three mental health sessions which were run by Headspace. Mental health includes our emotional, psychological and social well being. It affects how we think, feel and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life and our Year 7 students have now been given useful tools that they can use to manage their mental health during the next phase of their lives.

High Resolves came into the school and ran two sessions for our Year 7 and 8 students around Digital Citizenship. Students were educated on their digital footprint and given skills to manage online bullying and predatory behaviour.

Our Year 7, 8 and 9 students were treated to a performance from the rapper ‘Ollie’ and the One Youth team.

This performance was a preview for a performance night coming up in the City of Casey during November. Students were treated with free tickets to this event.



As we are now half way through Term Four,  a reminder that all students should be wearing their summer uniform. This includes the summer dress or navy shorts with the College polo for girls and grey shorts with College polo for boys. Winter skirts should not be worn.


Upcoming events:

Monday 19th November: Personal Impact Incursion for Year 9 and 10 students

Wednesday 21st November: Year 9 excursion to the Chocolate Factory

Tuesday 27th November: Last day for Year 10 classes

Thursday 29th November- 5th December: Year 10 exams

Thursday 5th and Friday 6th December: Year 10-11 and Year 11-12 orientation.

Friday 7th December: Year 9 excursion to Dandenong Market


If you are worried about missing out on study time,  try to combine exercise with learning. Putting headphones on and listening to study notes that you have recorded or downloaded. Or just listen to your favourite music – research shows music improves concentration and learning.

When studying for exams, rest and relaxation is important for physical and mental health. It gives muscles a break, and it also relaxes the brain and aids concentration.


A good night’s sleep improves concentration levels and brain power the next day. It is better for students to be rested and clear-headed than exhausted and foggy. Don't stay up late to study it wont help! If you are having trouble sleeping, try some relaxation exercises.