From the Principal 

At this time of the year, we reflect on the six-year journey of our Year 12 students and celebrate the end of their secondary education; more importantly, celebrate them staying the course. 


For all students, the past three years have been really challenging, for some students the disconnect from their peers, social activities and isolation has not only impacted them academically but socially and emotionally. 


Our three Subschool teams have responded to the COVID challenges with dedication, and focus on supporting and ensuring every student felt cared for and connected to the Chelt.Sec Community. I am very grateful for their leadership and the numerous activities and events organised to reconnect our students and create opportunities to celebrate all that is good about our community and the importance of relationships. 


As our Year 12 students complete their final VCE exams and feel a sense of relief, joy and satisfaction, I wanted to acknowledge the contribution of all our wonderful teachers for their support, encouragement and dedication to what has been an extremely challenging period for all. 


With the Year 12 exams coming to a close, our end-of-year examination period for other year levels commences. Year 11 began Thursday this week, with Years 8 and 10 commencing on Monday 14th November and Year 9 on Tuesday 15th. We wish them the best with these exams.  


Last Thursday evening the Year 10 Drama students presented Summer Away an adaption of Michael Gow’s classic play, Away, which is set in late 1960s Australia and tells the story of three families embarking on life-changing vacations. The performance was outstanding and all students involved are to be congratulated. I would like to acknowledge and congratulate their teacher Ms Jordy Hine for providing students with the opportunity to showcase their talents and creativity to parents and friends. 


Karl Russell
