
Nurture Self, Nurture Others 

On Thursday the 13th of October, a group of Year 7 and 8 students went to a Mental Health Event at the Springvale Town Hall. We Listened to Amna Karra - Hassan talk about her story and how she started the first AFLW team in Western Sydney, she talked about growing up in Auburn, how it was stereotyped to be a bad place, full of crime, and bad people. She felt like there wasn’t enough recognition for women in sports. So she founded a football team for women to learn how to play footy. 


Throughout the day we did many activities such as; boxing, yoga, self care (making stress balls), African Drumming, Food and Mood (making chia seed pudding). We got to enjoy a delicious lunch given by the company. After the first two activities and lunch, we watched a performance of people playing African drums. People got to dance if they wanted to and then we went back into our groups and continued with the activities. Once we finished, we gathered back into the main hall, and we gave thanks to the guest speakers for coming and educating us on mental health. 


Lots of schools attended and it was a really fun day overall! 


Abby. B, Aditi R, Bella K, Lily N, Phuong NL, Sheoli D and Solyda S. 

St Hildegard

Michele Kennedy

Year 7 Level Leader