
On Tuesday the 11th of October, our three SCSA Softball teams (junior, intermediate and senior) headed out to Geelong for the annual SCSA softball inter school competition. We played against other girls Catholic schools on the day including: Sacred Heart Geelong, Mater Christi and Mount Saint Josephs. The task: to try to take out the SCSA Softball Champion Plaque. 


The day was filled with fun, laughs and great weather. There were some great games that were played throughout the day.


Our Senior team made the grand final and were fortunate enough to take out the win in the Senior age group, with only 1 loss throughout the whole day. Congratulations to Audrey Tuipala who was voted MVP for the grand final match as well. Great effort Audrey. 

Our other teams competed well but missed out on the grand final match this year. 


Overall the intermediate team finished 4th for the day and our juniors finished 3rd. Well done to all students who came and participated, all of the students represented their school so well. 


Thanks so much for all the work the teachers and coaches put into the day and for taking us all the way out to Geelong for the competition.


Charlotte Fox (softball senior team member) Year 11


photo to be inserted


Rebecca Roberts 

Sports Leader