Design Technology

2022 ‘Visual Arts & Technology Exhibition’ 


On the 14th October The Arts and Technology Exhibition was held at Killester. It was well attended by enthusiastic students, parents and staff. The event delivered an array of amazing, talented work produced by all year levels in Textiles, Fashion Design, Materials and the Year 12 VET Kitchen Operations students. 


Fashion Design, led by Ms Miha, worked under the theme “What a wonderful world”.  The atrium was transformed into a forest runway set which lighlighted the students' work in Fashion Design and Technology. With the narration of Mr Graham Pierce, a parade of models and designers proudly showcased dresses and clothes that were truly awe inspiring.


In the Helen Toohey Building, Design and Materials displayed projects in wood and materials from pressed fit lid boxes to furniture pieces. Not to be outdone, the Textiles department had on display impressive work achieved over the course of the semester such as flower power bags and skirts. 


This school event was fully catered for by the talented Year 12 VET Kitchen Operations students.  I would like to thank Ms Anna Miha, Mr Lawrence Miha, Ms Eva Kordupel, Ms Alison Pickard, Mr Peter Cherington, Ms Maria Spina, Ms Ersilia Cincotta and Ms Lucy Collins for all their hard work on this memorable night.

Mr Pudney

LAL Design Technology

Killester Fashion Parade in the Atrium


A sensational Fashion Parade was held on Friday the 14th of October as part of the Art and Technology Exhibition. Year 11 and 12 Fashion students showcased their work under twinkling lights. The theme for the year was ‘East of the Sun, West of the Moon, a book of Nordic tales illustrated by Kay Neilson. This was the first time the Atrium has been used as a venue and it provided the perfect setting for a magical evening. All the garments were modelled by Killester students, and some were modelled by Year 11 or 12 fashion students who designed and made the garments.


The parade began with a charming narration from Mr Pierce. The Year 11 students’ fantasy skirts were modelled to the music of Coldplay ‘Stars in the sky’. The models looked mystical and ethereal wearing white skirts each representing one of the Disney Princesses. Each skirt was embellished with motifs from the selected princess. A magic moment was when the models made an encore appearance and turned on the fairy lights in the skirts.


Following the fantasy skirts, the students presented the “Once Upon a Dream” race wear fashion to the music of Aurora ‘The Secret Garden’. These very stylish outfits were topped with fascinators that the students decorated. Once again, the models sashayed the AtriumCatwalk showcasing the skills of the Year 11 Fashion students. The fashion students then lined up with their models and were given a well-deserved applause.


The tempo changed when the next group were announced- the Year 12 students’ work of re- fashioned cargo pants. The students were commissioned to design and make cargo pants that were catwalk ready and inspired by story book heroes. This they did amazingly well, and the models strutted to the music of Taylor Swift‘s ‘Bad Blood’. To demonstrate how robust the pants were, these models put on their best mean faces and staged some boxing, side-kicking, or even punching the air for their final pose.


Lastly, the “piece de resistance”, the gala gowns were introduced. The dreamy gowns were inspired by a fantasy heroine. The models floated the creations down the catwalk with ease to the tune of ‘Ocean Eyes’ by Billie Eilish; the audience were awe of the skill of the students and the grace of the models. These gowns showcased the skill development of the students who began in the junior years and progressed to senior level with a tool belt of skills in design and construction. Finally, the Year 12 Fashion students were invited to an encore and a lap of honour down the catwalk.


The night was truly beautiful and enchanting; however, behind the scenes there was a lot of gritty work. We are in heartfelt gratitude of the Leadership Team and school administration that have supported the Fashion Parade and Art and Technology exhibition in every way, we are in awe of our trusty elves in the maintenance team who built, painted, hammered, drilled, we thank the IT team who have assisted with the technical side of the sound, the music department for lending us the equipment and providing some pre parade entertainment, the video makers, the supervisors who have kept everything working like clockwork, the textiles technician and of course all the models and finally the Year 11 and 12 fashion students who worked hard to make magic happen.

Mrs Anna Miha 

VET / VCE Fashion teacher