Year 3/4 News

Year 4 First Eucharist
On Saturday night, 22 Year 4 students, celebrated the Sacrament of First Eucharist in St Raphael's Church with their families.
We thank Fr Simon Grainger, for being our celebrant, and everyone (families & teachers) who supported our students to prepare for and celebrate this significant step in their faith development.
A group photo of the children and individual shots are available from the School. Families will receive a hard copy photograph. If you would like a digital copy, please email your child's homeroom teacher.
Writing - Poems
Students began this term, continuing with writing poetry. They continued exploring different types of poems and had a go at creating their very own poems. By the end of Week 1 of this term, students wrote a poem and edited and produced a published poem.
Students also investigated wordplay in poetry and looked at how writers use spoonerisms. They enjoyed listening to silly-sounding texts that used spoonerisms (see 'Samily Foup').
Problem - Based Learning (PBL)
Students will be focusing on The Arts this term in Problem Based Learning (PBL). The driving question that students will address is 'How can Art, Music & Drama alleviate stress in our daily lives?' Last week, students explored the concept of Stress. They recorded their understanding of what stress is, what can cause stress and how stress affects our bodies. Over the coming weeks, students will be immersed in each of the different areas. Students will then choose an area to focus on and investigate how it can be used to reduce stress and improve their overall wellbeing.
Maths - Shape
Over the last two weeks, the students have been learning all about shapes! It has been great to see the students tackle each of their tasks with enthusiasm and a growth mindset. They have been making models of three-dimensional objects, identifying the corresponding net and describing their key features.
The students have especially enjoyed making models of 2D shapes from verbal instructions whilst using the geoboards.
They have also been learning to describe the similarities and differences between two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects, whilst using the correct terminology (sides, corners, faces, edges and vertices).
Here are some of their work examples below.
Learning Intentions & Timetable
Important Dates
Friday 28/10: Grandparents' Day (Activities/ Welcome into learning spaces)
Sunday 23/10: St Raphael Feast Day Mass & Celebration begin 10.30 am - 2pm
Contact Details
Linda Pham
Belinda Hirschauer
Kaitlyn McMillan
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm.