Science Education

Julie Garbutt:

Welcome Term 4. 


Students are learning about how the weather affects our work and play. Students used a viewing frame to closely observe the weather, before drawing and writing what they know about the weather. 

In week 2, students created and discussed symbols used to describe the weather, including symbols used by some Indigenous peoples. 

Year 1/2

Students are learning that the Earth's resources, like water, are used in a variety of ways. Students started this new unit by using all their senses to closely observe water. Students sampled water from their personal drink bottle to observe the taste of water. Students then described where water comes from; what water is used for; who or what uses water; and how can water be used responsibly.

In week 2, students investigated what happens to rain when it falls on different surfaces. Students firstly predicted the outcome before conducting the investigation and recording their observations.


Year 3/4

Students are learning that the Earth's surface changes over time because of natural and human processes. Students began this unit by viewing and discussing the features of a 'treasure map' identifying the location of rock and soil samples. Students then closely observed and recorded their observations of the rock and soil samples. Students were delighted to observe the soil contained animal life, including worms and ants, and a variety of plant materials including roots, seeds and leaves. 

In week 2, students will closely observe and compare soil samples from three different locations. 

Year 5/6

Students are learning that changes to materials can be reversible or irreversible. Students began the unit by observing a range of materials in the process of changing, including a melting icy pole, salt dissolving in water, bicarb reacting with vinegar and burnt chocolate buds. Students recorded their observations using annotated diagrams and explained what the change was and if they thought it was reversible or irreversible. 

In week 2, students experimented with different methods to make an ice-block melt the fastest. Students followed the Predict; Reason; Observe; Explain method for this experiment.