School Events

Year 3 and Year 4 Poetry

This is my poem about the Bald Eagle.

We started this process by having a single picture of a bald eagle. We started doing a plan that has four columns- things I can see, things I can’t see, descriptive words and potential rhymes, all based on this picture.


Next, we started to write our poem based on the plan we just did. Since we were learning about rhyming couplets, every two lines need to rhyme, such as having fierce and pierce in the end of two lines in a row. We also had to have the same syllable count, and make the sentences flow. I decided to write an eight syllable poem- which means each line has eight syllables. We had to manually check and edit our poem until everything is perfect. We also had to come up with an interesting title that grabs the reader’s attention. We can use strategies like: Alliteration and play on words.


To publish, we used a range of technology skills, including, where we created a blurred layer, so we could see the writing over it. Then, we copied it onto a Word document and used an app called Cool Text to design a font for our title. We wrote our poem in the blurred area provided, which means we had to manage our font size to make it fit well. After we finished writing our poem on the Word document

the process was complete.


From Hongsong 4J

Waverley East District Athletics

Congratulations to all students who competed at the WESA District Athletics at Bill Sewart Athletics Track on Friday. Camelot Rise finished 3rd over all behind Wheelers Hill and Jells Park. From this event we have 10 students who will represent the school at the Monash Waverley Division Track and Field event on Wednesday 5th October. Good Luck!

Footy Fever Day Friday 16th September

After 2 years without this annual event we are pleased to be able to hold our Footy Fever 

Day Lunch and Celebration again. On Friday 16th October (last day of Term 3) students can dress in their favourite sporting team colours and join in the fun! Thanks to Kerrie Rd Bakery we have been able to organise lunch for students to enjoy. A great way to celebrate the end of a busy term!



Year 5 / 6 Carnival

Year 5/6 students are busy working on carnival games this week. They are working together to create fun games with flashing lights, lots of colour and great ideas.

Thursday they will invite their Foundation and Year 1 buddies to the classroom to play the games they have made.